ASK JULIA ? Let’s Connect & find out how:- Marketing in recent years has gone through an evolution. Looking back, just 20 or even 10 years ago, it’s surprising how the approach to marketing has completely changed. The essence of marketing, remains the same. The marketing profession, has evolved. New disciplines have developed, within the field of marketing. The way an organisation approaches marketing strategy and as a consequence sets up the marketing function has changed. The skill set expected from an employee going into marketing has changed. The session ASK JULIA ? prepares, a marketing student, mentally, to catapult them into a successful marketing career.
With the above in mind, I developed a property ASK JULIA ? The objective was to engage marketing students. To infuse them with knowledge, that, you cannot get from a class room lecture or even any text book. Some of the areas covered include:
- Marketing Education Why a Marketing Degree
- Marketing Career What are the Career Considerations
- Marketing Function ABCs of the Marketing Function
- Marketing Progress Progressing In Your Career
We involve institutions of higher learning. To engage their students, with the intention of stimulating them to develop a firm interest in a marketing career. And not, the alternative, which is to study marketing, with no intention of ever utilising the knowledge gained. The session ASK JULIA ? begins, with an overview of marketing. The bulk of the session is an open mic Q & A session, that allows, students to engage on all things marketing to their satisfaction.
The next session of ASK JULIA ? will be held on 29th March 2023 at CUEA Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Make sure that you don’t miss a riveting session of ASK JULIA ? Expect a reminder closer to the date. Don’t miss this session it’s going to be thought provoking and life changing.

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Julia Kibore, is an Independent Marketing Management Consultant with over 20 years of brand, marketing and communication experience. She has held leadership positions in the FMCG, Telco, Fintech Online Payments and Mobile Money sectors as well as consulted on Marketing Strategy.
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